Monkey see...

Lillian has hit that age where she does everything we do, and I've realized I need to be a little more careful...mostly when I'm driving. A few weeks ago, while waiting behind another car to turn left, she says, "Go away, car!" Apparently I can get a little impatient when waiting for a left turn, but I promise: it's only when people are too chicken to go when there's a GINORMOUS opening.

Then, this morning, we were stopped at the same light (again, waiting to turn left). When the light turned green, the car across the intersection that was going straight didn't budge. I probably could have turned at least twice before his bumper even crossed the crosswalk. Since I hate when other drivers gun it to turn left when I, as the person going straight, have the right of way, I waited for him to FINALLY move forward - although apparently, I didn't wait silently. I don't remember exactly what I said, but my guess is it was something close to "Come on, Dude. Gosh." That's my guess because that's what Lillian said about a minute later...and most of the way to Hyde Park.

She's getting too smart for her own good...

Cheryl  – (4/23/09, 10:59 AM)  

That is too funny! I used to always get in trouble from my sisters when their kids picked up something I said. I guess you just never know what they are going to pick up.

Anonymous –   – (4/23/09, 1:11 PM)  

My oldest daughter learned to say the sh-- word from my driving language. Too bad she said it out loud for the first time around grandparents. Boy, did I have some explaining to do!

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