So long May...

I apologize for the long delay between posts. I suddenly realized that the month of May is almost gone and I hadn't done a single update for the entire month.

Lillian went to the doctor for her 4-month check-up on May 18. She now weights 9lbs 11oz and is 23 inches long. She's slowly getting on the growth curve. She got her next round of shots and reacted about the same as last time. I don't think that will ever get any easier, for me at least. The doctor says she looks great and he gave us the go-ahead to start introducing some solids. We haven't started yet but probably will next week: just a little rice cereal at one feeding during the day. We'll see how she reacts before trying to do more.

She loves to sit up, so we got her a little chair specially made for infants that supports her. I felt better about that than propping her in the corner of the couch and having her tip over. She seems to like it and will sit in it for quite a while before getting fussy. She's also started to show some interest in her toys. She used to just look at them as we waved them in front of her, but now, if you put it in her lap, she'll pick it up and...of course...try to eat it. She almost put her binky back in her mouth a couple times, but we haven't decided if it was accidental or not. :)

As for the rest of the family, there's not really anything new to report. Laddie has started his next round of training classes and is learning lots. Erik is dealing with being short-staffed in the photolab, but other than that, things are going well. I finished my class at the beginning of the month (Conflict and Expressive Culture) and received an A. My final paper was on how sacrifice has been used in the Harry Potter series. I'm a nerd, I know. Right now, I'm busy getting ready for the summer conference season at work. Since we do a lot of trainings for educators, the busy time is over the summer when they aren't teaching.

That's about it I think. Until next time, which will hopefully come a lot quicker than this one did.


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