Sky View Cheer Clinic

The lady who watches Lillian has a daughter who's a Sky View cheerleader, and the cheerleaders were putting on a clinic for girls between 3 and 14. She was in charge of the three year olds and wanted Lily to come be in her group. We figured 15 bucks that paid for lunch and a shirt and left us a few hours to get some of Lily's Christmas shopping done was 15 bucks well spent and left her in the cheerleaders' capable hands for almost 4 hours last Saturday.

After the clinic, we got to see a performance of all the groups and then they got to perform between the girls' and boys' scrimmage games this last Friday. Lily had a great time dancing with Tiffany, up until she got poked in the eye during the performance following the clinic. It took some convincing to get her back out on the floor to do the cheers for us, but she was a trooper and did. But isn't this the saddest face you've ever seen?

The performance during the basketball games went much better and she was so excited to get to give it another go. I don't know if she really has the dedication to be a cheerleader (she was really more interested in the letters on the gym floor), but she was sure cute. And she's she could outgrow the whole ADD thing. But she does have Erik as a father, so probably not. :)'s some pictures of her performance and a video Erik put together. You can see the eye-poking incident at about 20 seconds on the right.



Last night, I picked up a photo album from Lillian's first year and came across a picture of her at about 3months. And I thought, That's Timothy! I've looked at pictures of her we have hanging around the house, and while I could see some resemblance, I didn't think it was that close.

But what do you think? They're both about 3 months in these pictures. I guess there's no doubting they're related...


Halloween Halloween was over two weeks ago. But I wanted to get at least a couple pictures up of our costumes this year for those who didn't get to see them. Once again, we attended the Mullahkhel Halloween festivities. This year, Erik was actually able to go, so for once I got to be the second half of a couple's costume. Unfortunately, I didn't have much say in it if I wanted to follow through on the whole "couple" idea since Erik was pretty set on his costume once I made the mistake of mentioning it. As a result, Erik and I were Ron Burgundy and Veronica Corningstone of Anchorman fame. After several final decisions, Lillian settled on a Lady Bug. And Timothy, not having much choice in the matter, was a Harley Baby.

Lily had a great time trick-or-treating around Wal-mart again this year, and while I'm sure her stash won't satisfy her in the next few years, it was enough to make the kid as happy as anything. Now that she's actually remembering holidays from year to year, it's so fun to see her excitement and anticipation. And to be honest, I'm looking forward for next Halloween because I have an awesome costume in mind that includes Timothy. I have to use him to my advantage while I can. Pretty soon he'll have a mind of his own, too.

And then I'm doomed... :)

And remember, stay classy, San Diego.


Peas, please

Lily was never much of a spitter when it came to eating baby food. But this kid? Let's just say the bib would have been more useful on me...



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