The "Labor" of Camping

Once again, Erik's three-day weekend actually fell on a good weekend and we went camping. I've come to the decision that camping is a lot of work, especially now that we have a 19-month old in tow. So even though we had the weekend off from our normal work labors, it certainly wasn't a piece of cake.

First, Erik decided we needed a bigger tent that would accommodate Lillian's portable crib in the hopes that we could avoid the sleeping problems of last time. The tent we ended up with is great once it's set up, but ohmygosh! It was the biggest pain to get it there! Hopefully it will be easier once we've done it a few times, but we still don't understand how the bay windows work in the second bedroom. (Yes, I just said "bay windows" and "second bedroom" in reference to a tent...) After all our hard work, we got to watch Jared and Ashley put theirs up with no problems that I saw, even though it was bigger than ours. I was soooo jealous! I will admit, though, getting her to sleep was a TON easier.

Once camp was set up, I then had to deal with watching Lillian to make sure she didn't fall in either the fire or the river. By the end of the weekend, I was exhausted just from that. And to be perfectly frank, there were a couple near misses and I will be eternally grateful to everyone else who had their eyes open.

On Saturday, we all headed up to Tony Grove. Lillian fell asleep about 10 minutes before we got there, so we let her sleep a little longer as everyone else headed out in the canoes. We didn't want to just sit there while everyone else had fun, so we made the mistake of waking her up. She was fine for a while, but then the crank to beat all cranks showed up. I took her back to the truck to see if I could get her to take a nap, but she was having nothing to do with it. We decided we better get her some food, so we continued on up to Bear Lake while everyone else finished up their fishing and relaxing on the beach. Then we all headed back to camp for some dutch oven cooking.

Now there's a meal that is no easy feat. Sure, once you get everything in the ovens, you can just let it do it's thing. But first you have to prep everything and get some good briquettes going. And once you're done eating, you can't just clean the ovens like normal - it has to be done in just the right way so you keep the season. In the end, it was fantastic (except that the cake didn't come out nearly as well as it did over the 4th), but is it really worth all the work? I'd probably have to say yes.

Lillian slept on the way home from the lake, but she wasn't the happiest baby even after the nap. She ended up going to bed kind of early, but it was nice to be able to just sit with the adults and not be worried that she was going to dive head first into the pit. But Laddie, on the other hand, had a bee in his bonnet and whined almost the entire night!

After two nights, we got up this morning and tore everything down. The tent sure came down a lot easier than it went up, but of course, it doesn't fit back in the bag. I finally figured out how to fold our old one so it fit perfectly every time, so I'm hoping I can get there with this one. I may just need to set it up in front of our house and try a few different ways. It turned out the food we'd saved for breakfast was ruined when all the ice in the cooler melted and made soggy hashbrowns that crushed the eggs, so after everything was cleaned up, we went to Angie's for a proper breakfast (with a still cranky baby who wanted my breakfast more than her own). Honestly, sometimes I'm surprised our friends will still go out to eat with us and our unruly kid. It's probably a good thing she's cute most of the time.

But now that we're home, I can look back and say it was a fun trip. We had great friends to go with, and it wouldn't be the same if everything went entirely as it was supposed to. I have to say, though, that I'm glad I still have tomorrow off. I need a vacation from my vacation!


Our little artist...

Lillian's first wall mural:
All I can say is thank goodness for the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser!


New Toy

It's finally happened...Erik is the proud new owner of a motorcycle. He's been trying to get the proper approval from the proper authorities (that would be me) for quite a while now. I gave him certain stipulations that had to met before a motorcycle could move in to our garage, and let's be completely honest here, I didn't really expect him to be able to meet those stipulations for a while yet. But he did and here we are thanks to the fortuitous selling of the little Allstate scooter that he was never going to restore along with a great deal found on KSL. He went for a ride with the boys the same night we picked it up and is soooo in love with the dang thing.

But now I've added the stipulation that unless it is actually precipitating, he will be taking it to work so we can have the full gas-saving benefits he promised when approval was first requested. Which is nice for me since I will finally get to drive my cute car more often than his very un-ladylike truck.

So congratulations, babe. I hope you enjoy it!



A couple months ago, I read an article about digital scrapbooking and decided to give it a try. I'm having so much fun with it! I can't imagine doing scrapbooking any other way, especially since you can delete and redo something as many times as you want. Here's a few pages I've made.


Welcome, Baby Isaac

Our friends Buzzy and Karina had their baby on Monday, and he is such a cutie! Holding him was so weird. He was about a pound and a half more than Lillian when she was born, but I don't remember her ever being so little! Check out their blog to see some more pictures, but here he is:

Lillian was very interested in seeing the baby and tried to smoosh him a couple times, but she was pretty good about it. She was more interested in making Carson mad (sorry, guys). On a side note, while we were visiting, Lillian finally decided Jared was a nice enough guy and she let him pick her up. I snapped a picture in case she changes her mind again...


Oh the Frustration!!!

I hate our internet! I hate our whole "technology" package if you want to get to the nitty-gritty. We're supposed to have this fantastic, state-of-the-art technology wired right into our brand new townhome. But my internet runs at speeds closer to dial-up on some days rather than the the high-speed we were promised. And my digital, HD tv? Nonexistent. Not that I really care all that much about HD, but we don't even get the standard features most people get, like on screen programming for crying out loud even though our tv is provided through Dish! And the reception is so bad on some stations that we might as well have rabbit ears. In fact, that would almost be better since network stations are broadcasting in HD now anyway. Not to mention the lovely hum when the building housing the equipment gets too warm. Our VoIP never worked right and doesn't at all any more from what we've been told. And the security system that is supposedly why so many people buy in this development is no longer monitored. So I guess if someone breaks in, I better just hope some cop is driving by and hears the alarm.

Why, you ask, do you continue with this company if you are so dissatisfied? Because our stupid builders were so sure this package would be the bomb that they didn't let Comcast or Qwest run lines into the development and made us all sign a contract with a company that technically no longer exists, and it's written into the CC&Rs that we can't get our own providers. However, we've been assured that "negotiations are taking place with a major provider," whatever that means. We've heard the same schpeal for the last six months. I've tried to be optimistic, but when it takes me 20 minutes for a simple scrapbook download, I just can't take it any more!!

Tirade over. For now.



So Ashley decided to spread her misery and tagged me. Here ya go...

A - attached or single: Definitely attached. See this post.

B - Best friend: Erik (again, see this post).

C - Cake or Pie: I'll never turn down a piece of Key Lime Pie!

D - Day: Friday...with a whole weekend ahead of you.

E - Essential Item: Baby wipes (oh how my life has changed!) and Hempz lotion

G - Gummi Bears or Worms: Chocolate covered gummy bears

H - Hometown: I guess Roy would be my hometown even though I've lived in Logan longer than there and in Salt Lake longer than either.

I - Indulgences: a professional manicure (so relaxing) and creme brulee

J - January or July: July - if I could skip over January completely, I would be the happiest person ever!!!

K - Kids: Just the most adorable little girl ever, Lillian

L - Life is incomplete without: My family, my friends, and Harry Potter (j/k)

M - Marriage Date: July 13, 2002

N - Number of Siblings: 1 brother and 1 sister

O - Oranges or Apples: Apples - Granny Smith, actually

P - Phobias or Fears: I don't know that I fear them, but I hate spiders. Too many legs.

Q - Quote: Since Ashely stole my quote: "Humans have a knack for choosing precisely the things that are worst for them."

R - Reason to Smile: Why not? Life is good.

S - Season: Spring or Fall. It depends on if I'm sick of being cold or sick of being hot... :) Right now, bring on Fall!!!

T - Tag Three Friends: So I definitely don't know enough people who blog. I'll do Meg and Cheryl (since this one is different from their last Tag) and Mom (it's a reason to create your own).

U - Unknown Fact about me: I have a blue smiley face on one of my molars.

V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: A little of both

W - Worst Habit: Erik says I don't have any (what a sweetie).

X - X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Since having an x-ray would probably mean I'm hurt, I'll go with ultrasound.

Y- Your favorite food: I love it all (mostly)!! But a grilled cheese and tomato is pretty great.

Z - Zodiac sign: Leo



So it's been forever since Erik and I went to Lagoon. When his mom was able to score half-price tickets we decided we better go. We dropped Lillian with some great-grandparents (who stipulated that Laddie had to come, too) and headed to the park. The lines were amazingly short, and we ended up doing everything we wanted to way faster than we expected. I remember going to Lagoon and waiting in line more than actually riding anything, so this time was a lot different. Even though it was a Thursday afternoon, we didn't expect such an easy day of it.

I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with the new rides they've added since I last went. I LOVE roller coasters, and now they actually have more than two. The Wicked one that I guess was new last year was fantastic. It shoots you straight in the air and then you turn right over and go straight down before heading through barrel rolls and half pipes. Our only complaint: it wasn't nearly long enough. There's just something about the drop your stomach takes as you look down a huge vertical drop, knowing that there's no turning back, and just hanging on for the ride. Awwww...such satisfaction! :)


New Photos

We took Lillian for her 18-month photo shoot earlier this month and I finally received the link for the electronic versions. So here's a sample of what we ended up with. She was perfectly happy while we were waiting, but she was suddenly not interested once we started (of course). But not being above bribery and with the help of a little fruit leather, we were able to get some good shots. :)


A bargain?

So what good does it do to be a savvy shopper and hunt for some bargains if you don't get what you pay for, even if it's not full price? Let me preface this by saying that I usually have success with online shopping. It's a risk ordering something that you can't see first, but I generally know what I'm willing to order sight unseen and what I want to actually look at beforehand. I thought I would be safe with a set of sheets.

We've been wanting a down comforter for some time but haven't been willing to commit to one (or the price that often comes with them), but we finally decided to break down and just get one. What really prompted this was finding a duvet cover set that we both liked and fit the colors already in our bedroom. It was a great deal (half off regular price) so I decided to get a set of matching sheets, also half off. They arrived a couple days ago and I tried to put them on today. "Tried" is the key word since the fitted sheet would not stretch over our queen-sized bed. I finally gave up and looked at the tag. What did it say? FULL! The packaging said queen; the flat sheet said queen. But the fitted sheet was definitely a full...

I guess that's the risk you take when shopping at what was basically an outlet store that probably has most of their products because of some kind of defect. But honestly! I can handle a little color issue or maybe a slight imperfection in the fabric, but this is something that shouldn't have even been sold if you ask me. I hate dealing with online returns (which is why I'm usually very sure before I even order), so I'm not going to bother since we can use it on our guest bed, but I sent a nasty little email and it made me feel a little better.

Anyway...I'm done venting now.


New Curtains

Since Lillian's crib will probably be converted to a toddler bed in the next few months, I decided I wanted to get her some new bedding. I was just going to buy it, but I found a pattern for a nursery bedding set and decided to just make it. So we're keeping with the frog theme, but it's not quite so, umm...babyish, I guess. I've finished the curtains and will be making a comforter and bed skirt. I was kind of scared since this was my first major sewing endeavor since the quilt I made when I was 8, but they didn't turn out too bad, even the pleats. The big picture is kind of dark (sorry, the light from the window made it really hard to get a good picture) but the shade part is yellow gingham. You can kind of see it in the close up of the valance. I'm still playing with the ribbons ties; I think I might be too much of a perfectionist for this type of shade. You can never get them even! :)

We originally had the quilt/wall hanging from her crib set covering the electrical box. Why they couldn't have found a better place to put it than smack dab in the middle of a bedroom wall, I don't know. But I covered it in peel and stick tile and then found some cute metal frogs to hang with it. I was pretty impressed myself. They weren't sticking all that great while I had it off the wall, but once it was back flat on the wall they've stayed great (except for the one that fell off, but that's easily fixed).


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