Life is Good

It's been a while since I've let everyone know what I'm up to. I turned 3 months old on April 19. Isn't that hard to believe? I'm growing big and strong. When people see me, they always say how small I am, but Mommy and Daddy don't know what they're talking about since I'm quite a bit bigger than when they first saw me. I'm still wearing preemie pants, but the 0-3 shirts are fitting me now. Before you know it, nothing in my closet will fit.

While Mommy works, I like to look at my gym. There's a smiley face that I especially like. I must get that from Mommy since she likes smiley faces, too. Sometimes I like to swing in my swing, and occasionally, I just have to be held. On those days, Mommy doesn't always get a lot of work done, but we sure have fun.

I smile a lot now, and I talk to Mommy and Daddy, too. Sometimes I don't think they have a clue what I'm saying, but they're pretty good at pretending and we have some nice conversations. My favorite way to lounge around the house is to sit up. I can't hold myself up yet, so they have to prop me up somehow, but the view is so much better than from my back and I hate being on my tummy. Mommy keeps trying to get me to like my tummy since the doctors say I need tummy time, but a couple minutes is all I can stand before I staring wailing. Those mini-push ups and rolling over are way over rated anyway.

Daddy and I are still having a good time when Mommy goes into the office. Yesterday we took a walk in the stroller with our doggie, Laddie. I sure liked that a lot. Laddie likes to babysit while Mommy gets work done around the house. He sits next to me to make sure I don't misbehave and tries to comfort me if I start to fuss. I can't wait until I'm big enough to play with him.

That should give you a good idea about what's happening with me. Until next time...



Today as I was watching Lillian grin for no reason other than I was talking to her, I realized that this is happiness. I don't know why I was so surprised, but I realized that I am truly happy with my life. Sure, we have the occasional low spot when something goes wrong, but for the most part, we have it pretty good. We are so lucky that Lillian is doing well and is healthy, and I know we have been blessed as we've gone through everything with her. It was stressful for a while, but everything seems to just be falling into place like it should, and I'm just so grateful.

This past weekend, Nana and Grandpa Len came up for Lillian's blessing. We had a little shindig afterward, and it was great to visit with many of the people we care about most. It's so comforting to know that if we need someone to turn to, we have several choices and all would be more than willing.

So that was all I really wanted to say. Just thank you to everyone who has been there these last few months. We love you all.


Easter Bunny

Lillian got her picture taken with the Easter Bunny this weekend, so I thought I put it up for everyone to see. It's nice having such a connection with the Wal-mart photo one else got their picture electronically, but since Erik had access to the memory card, he brought the file home.

Hope everyone had a great Easter!


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