Theme Song

Last night while driving home from dinner, Lily started singing. We soon realized she was singing her own theme song:

Do, do, do, do, do, Lily!!

Then, she gave Erik a theme song:

Do, do, do, do, do, Daddy!!

Finally, she did my theme song, only it was quite a bit longer than the others:

Do, do, do, do, do, Mommy!! And Laddie poops...and she gets a little baggie!!!!

Apparently our walk with Laddie earlier in the day made quite the impression. I'll bet you can guess what happened while we were out...


On the way home...

On the way home from picking up Lily, this was part of our conversation:

Lily: Guess what, Mommy! We had toast for a snack today!

Me: Toast?!?!? How yummy! Did you put anything on your toast?

Lily: Yeah! Butter! And brown stuff!!!!

Me: Was it cinnamon?

Lily: Yeah!!! I LOVE SIMANIN!!!!


Odd dreams

For whatever reason, pregnancy causes my subconscious to go off the deep end and have amazingly weird dreams. Each of the about six times I got up last night to use the bathroom (ok...maybe not really six, but it had to have been close), I would think, "what a weird dream..." Of course, now that I've piqued your curiously, I can't remember a single one to illustrate my point.

However, I do have a little insight into what Lily may be dreaming about, which I'm guessing is just about as strange. This morning, I went in to wake her up. Strangely enough, she's stopped getting up and the crack of dawn and has actually been completely and totally sound asleep when I've gone in the last couple mornings. Too bad I can't sleep in to take advantage of this change, and you know that on Saturday, that day that I could sleep in if I felt like it, she'll be out of bed as soon as the sun starts peeking in through her blinds.

Anyway, this morning I sat on her bed and scratched her back for a few seconds trying to gently wake her. After a little while, she finally mumbles something completely incoherent. It took three tries before I could figure out what she was trying to tell me, which was:

I don't like bugs.

I repeated that back to her, just to make sure I heard it right, and she said:

Yeah. I don't like bugs. Or spiders. They will sting us.

So now, not only am I left with the little snippets of fragments of what I was dreaming about (and wondering what I ate last night that would cause such odd visualizations), I'm also left wondering why Lily is spending her nights dreaming about bugs and spiders rather than the nice things all little girls should dream about, like dolls and princesses and ponies. Or at least the very least, things not bug related.


A request

Dear May,

I'm not sure what I did to offend you, but I am truly sorry. Can you please let the sun come out and take the snow away now?

Thank you.

The End.


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