Knock, Knock

Lily's new favorite thing is to tell jokes. She asks at least once a day, "Mommy, can we do some jokes?" I usually say yes, but I have to put a limit on the number I'm willing to listen to. Because here's the thing (and don't dare tell her I said this): She's not very good at them.

Knock, knock jokes are the variety of choice and the punchline usually consists of two random things said together, which is HILARIOUS, apparently. A better mother would probably listen to as many combinations as the kid could muster based on what's in the room at the time, but seriously...

Last night, I decided to write some of them down so later in life I can show her how far she's really come. (Unless she still tells knock, knock jokes like this. Then we'll have a serious problem.) Here's a few she came up with.

Knock, Knock!

Who's there?
Macaroni who?
Macaroni pizza! (insert uncontrollable giggling here)

Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Number who?
Number snowman!!! (more excessive giggling)

You get the idea. During this same session, we ended up with banana apple, pepper salt, book telescope, and banana helmet. At least the giggling was funny...and the cutest sound in the world.


Of Her Very Own

Lily has a favorite show called Calliou. He's a 4-year-old boy with a little sister doing a lot of the same things Lily does. Playschool, helping with Rosie, trying new things. On one episode, he went to the library. Since then, Lily has asked when we can go. Completely intending to go, I told her we'd find a day. Several times, I planned when we would go. Luckily, I never actually mentioned it to her since every time, something else came up and the library trip got pushed aside.

Last week, I decided we were going no matter what. So on Friday, we headed to McDonald's for lunch and some time in the play place as soon as Timothy woke up from his nap, and then we headed to the library. Just so you know, this was very purposely planned. Lily's not always great about leaving the play place, so I hoped the lure of the library would help. And it did. She left without complaint, and it only took one request for her to put on her shoes so we could go. I suppose I could have skipped McDonald's altogether, but I was feeling generous (and brave) that day, so I risked two outings that could end in kicking, screaming, tears, and yelling. Plus, my memories of the library include a treat, too, and I guess I wanted to pass that on.

When we arrived at the library, Lily looked at all the books. We picked out a few to take home and then read a few while we were there...mostly books she thought Timothy would enjoy. Then we got Lily a library card of her very own and checked out her books. She was so excited to take them home, and the promise that we would be back to get more was almost more than she could stand.

I can remember getting my own library card when I was about 5. (Or maybe 6? Who can remember that far back, really. But I do remember I wrote my name on it with my beginner's scrawly handwriting so I couldn't have been too old.) At some point, it became a tradition that every week, we headed to the library. Afterwards, we stopped at Baskin Robins for some ice cream. (My brother always got Daiquiri Ice. I usually tried something different each time.)  It's one of my favorite memories, and I'd like to give my kids something similar. Although, their favorite memories will probably be something completely different.

So we now have a Friday tradition. We probably won't hit up McDonald's every time, but a stop at Charlie's may be in order. If anyone wants to join us, feel free.



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