Lillian has what???

So Lillian is now nine months old, if you can believe it. We went to the doctor last week and she's still only 12lbs 13oz. We expected a little more of a change after 3 months, but it didn't happen. As I got thinking about it, I remembered that she had a bout of not nursing well about a month ago, and we finally started doing formula except first thing in the morning and right before bed. So I wonder if she wasn't getting enough during that time and maybe lost a little weight before she started gaining well again. But we told the doctor, again, that she's eating well, so he said not to worry about it.

So she was healthy as a horse while we were at the doctor, but then on Saturday (the next day) I noticed that her "diaper rash" was spreading to other parts of her body. She had two little bumps on her tummy under her diaper and so I assumed diaper rash. But by Sunday morning, there were four on her neck and one on her leg and we started to think Chicken Pox. After doing some research online, we found some pictures and decided that's what they were. So Erik stayed home with her while I played the organ at church. By the time I got home, she had several more on her face. Today, she looks like a pizza. She looks awful, but the spots themselves don't seem to bother her; she's not scratching (yet, anyway), but she's had a bit of a fever and is sleeping quite a bit.

The crazy thing is that we have no idea where she got them from. I called the babysitter today to let her know, and none of the other kids have them. Addison, Erik's niece, was with her all last weekend, but she doesn't have them. She hasn't had a lot of close contact with any other kids and definitely none who have Chicken Pox, so we're mystified.

Anyway...enough with Lillian's health update. We spent last weekend in Park City with Erik's parents, brother, and niece. Grandma Nancy kept the girls while the rest of us went four wheeling. We had a pretty good time, and I only got myself stuck a couple times. I did bang up my knee a little, but it's getting better. Lars, Erik's brother, was the only one to roll his on its side, and he did it while driving through a huge puddle and ending up hydroplaning. He walked away without any trouble and Trent got a great picture from it. The rest of the trip was pretty low key. We spent some time in the pool/hot tubs and took Lillian swimming for a little while, which went a lot better than the last time we went. It was nice to just get a way for a couple days.

We got Lillian's picture taken in her Halloween costume. We don't have them back yet, but when we do, I'll scan one and put it up. She's going to be a chicken, and I think the pictures will be really cute. We're hoping to get a family picture in the next month or so, too.

Speaking of pictures, I finally framed a cross-stitch I did of a Japanese woman about 2 years ago. It looks really nice, and they did a great job with the matting. It's going to hang in our bedroom with the rest of my Asian-inspired collection. I just need to paint in there (still), and I have purchase in mind for over the bed. I just need to work up the courage to buy it. It's hard to justify with other bills and Christmas around the corner. Mom was up here a few weeks ago and brought the birth announcement she cross-stitched for Lillian, so we got that framed also. I picked it up Friday and it looks great in her room.

Erik is enjoying his new store. He's thinking about talking to one of the other managers about carpooling. Today, he followed the other guy to work and the other guy followed Erik home. It just seems silly for them both to be paying for a tank of gas each week when they could cut the cost in half. With Christmas coming, his time off will be slim. Basically, he can't expect to get any between now and New Year's. But he'll get time during slower times, so it all works out.

We're having a nice fall this year. The leaves were gorgeous a few weeks ago, at least until it froze. It seems like we've gone straight from summer to winter the last few years, so to actually have a fall is nice.

Hope this update will tide you over until next month. Love to all!


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