New Toy
It's finally happened...Erik is the proud new owner of a motorcycle. He's been trying to get the proper approval from the proper authorities (that would be me) for quite a while now. I gave him certain stipulations that had to met before a motorcycle could move in to our garage, and let's be completely honest here, I didn't really expect him to be able to meet those stipulations for a while yet. But he did and here we are thanks to the fortuitous selling of the little Allstate scooter that he was never going to restore along with a great deal found on KSL. He went for a ride with the boys the same night we picked it up and is soooo in love with the dang thing.
But now I've added the stipulation that unless it is actually precipitating, he will be taking it to work so we can have the full gas-saving benefits he promised when approval was first requested. Which is nice for me since I will finally get to drive my cute car more often than his very un-ladylike truck.
So congratulations, babe. I hope you enjoy it!
Steve and I used to have a couple motorcycles but wound up selling them to get our 2nd car.
I can't wait for the day when we can have bikes again. How fun!