
As I write this, Erik is sleeping (well, maybe not yet...but he's trying) on Lily's floor under a tent constructed from a comforter and a sheet. It's main supports are a dresser and an easel leaning precariously against the wall. Lily has been asking for weeks to have a sleepover with one of us, but it's always on a night when we have to work the next morning, so the creaky joints and stiff back that would result weren't too appealing.  (Man we're getting old.) There was also the prospect that I'd be wiggling my way out of a tent half awake because that would be the night Timothy would decide to go back to not sleeping. (We've had a blissful sleep week as far as he's concerned, by the way. Blissful!)

But tonight was the magical night, and Erik figured that since he was already sore from crawling around on the floor at work for inventory, he might as well make a night of it and sleep on the floor, too, since he'll have the next week of vacation to recover. Way to take one for the team, I know.

So I just wanted to let the entire internet know how much I love my husband and how willing he is to indulge our daughter in something so simple but that will make her so happy and create such a great memory. And she'll remember can count on that. It will be weeks, maybe even months from now, and she'll say, "Hey guys! Remember yesterday when Daddy had a sleepover with me in my room and we built a tent and used the flashlight to read Hop on Pop? Remember that? That was so fun!"

And at least I know that if she's on the floor, there's no risk of hurting herself. Unlike the other night when I peeked in to check on her before I went to bed.

Yes...she's sleeping standing up. Don't ask me how she got into this predicament or how long it would have been before we heard the thud of her falling over. The "Thanks, Daddy" when Erik lifted her a back into bed was the sweetest thing. There are days she makes me want to pull my hair out, for sure. If she's this emotional at 4, what are we in for at 13? But I definitely wouldn't trade her in for anything. I don't think. No...Yeah, I wouldn't. She one adorable little girl and I love her.

Unknown  – (4/7/11, 10:39 PM)  

You guys are the best parents ever...seriously!! Though I am dreading sleepovers on the floor too...I much prefer a bed. But I'm sure the memories will be worth it. :) And that picture of Lillian sleep-standing...hilarious!? I have a feeling Sullivan may be like that...he is a little tornado in that crib of his!?

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