The Whole Story

Both kids are currently asleep, so I decided to use some of the welcome quiet time to provide the whole story of little Timothy's arrival and what we've been up to over the last couple days. (Although I could really use a nap, but sleep is for the weak, right?)

So...I suppose I should start at the beginning. At my regular appointment last Thursday, the doctor let us know that he didn't think I would make it to my already-scheduled induction date of June 28. Everything was already moving towards labor preparations, and I was further along than they usually see at 37 weeks. So he told us not to make any big plans, and he'd see us next week for another appointment if I made it that long.

Here I was, thinking I was so in control. My induction was scheduled. My mom had made arrangements to come stay with Lillian. I was wrapping up things at work so I didn't leave everyone with a huge jumble of half-completed projects. I had a couple weeks to do the few more things around the house that I wanted to. I was ORGANIZED, dang it. And honestly, completely scared of going into labor naturally. Yes...I know. I'd already done the whole labor and delivery thing with Lily, but since I was induced with her, I had no real idea what I should be watching for. Everything says, "You'll just know when it's time," yadda, yadda, yadda. But what if I didn't????

But apparently Timothy didn't care for my plans. Instead, I woke up Saturday morning about 2:30a to use the bathroom. I'd been back in bed for maybe 20 minutes when my water broke! At least if my original plan wasn't going to work out, I was able to substitute it with the middle-of-the-night dash to the hospital. But I'll tell you, if my water hadn't broken, I don't know that I would have known "it was time." Luckily, I had decided I better pack a bag after the doctor's appointment. (Which Erik thought was overkill. Humph...shows what he knows.)

Erik was filling in on overnights for another manager (who happened to be out for paternity leave...), so I called him and we were at the hospital by 3:30a, Lily in tow and hoping one or both of our moms made it in time to watch her during the crucial moments. On Thursday, I was at 3cm. When they checked me at the hospital, I was a 6+. An hour later, I was at a 7. With Lily, I went from a 7 to a 10 to holding a baby in just half an hour. This time was no different. No need to waste time going from a 7 to a 10 for me. Just skip those extra steps and move it right a long, thank you very much.

When we called the nurse back in right after she walked out the door, I think her exact words were, "I just checked her." After waiting for what seemed like FOREVER for the doctor to arrive so I could actually start pushing, Timothy arrived a little over 2 hours after labor started. (Completely drug-free, I might add. What's the point of doing a completely natural childbirth if you can't brag about it afterward, right?!?!?)

Since then, things have been pretty good. Lily is definitely seeing that there will be some adjustments now that baby brother has come home. But I think she's handling it well so far. She is very interested in helping (and I mean VERY INTERESTED), so we're working on helping her learn when she can help and when she needs to let Mommy or Daddy handle it. She's always very concerned if he's crying and tries her hardest to comfort him. The other night during dinner, we could hear him fussing on the baby monitor, so she ran up stairs and we heard her sing Rock-a-bye Baby to him. It was the sweetest thing I think I've ever heard. I know she's going to be a great big sister.

So far, Timothy has been a pretty good baby. We're having a few feeding issues...mostly that he doesn't want to stay awake while he does it. Our first night home was the worst since he never would eat enough to be happy and sleep, and I ended up only getting about 2 hours of sleep. But last night was loads better, and he seems to be getting better about finishing a meal before falling back asleep. And he's definitely very cute. He makes the cutest faces when he's hungry. And it's probably not very nice of me, especially as his mother, to make this comparison, but these faces remind me of the alien at the end of Men in Black:

Lily has decided we should keep him, even though she really, really wanted a sister. So I think he's here to stay. I know he's going to grow super fast, and I think I'm ready for the ride...

Angie Allen  – (6/15/10, 8:23 PM)  

Mothers always make comparisons; you looked like a lemur for awhile, but when I saw a picture of Yoda on the cover of a magazine, I thought "wow, he looks like Leonora!" All cheeks and eyes. HUGE eyes. Garrik was a reluctant nurser, too. Maybe it's a guy thing! Can't wait to see you this weekend!

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