A Night Out

Last night, Erik went paintballing with the guys and I went to Mama Mia with the girls. (Lillian got to stay with Buzzy and Carson.) It's been a while since I've been able to go out sans husband and baby, and it was kind of nice.

We had a pretty big group of girls, and we had a good time. Although, I do think it's kind of interesting that we called it a girls' night out. I mean, we went out, but we ended up sitting in a dark theater for a couple hours and then pretty much went our separate ways after the movie. Next time we'll have to go out for a treat before hand or something.

Now on to the movie. I LOVED it! But then how can you pass up a movie where Colin Firth ends up, yet again, in a wet shirt? He's not quite the Mr. Darcy he was 10 years ago, but he's still one of my favorites. :) And Julie Waters...what a ham! I love anything she's in. She's great as the odd balls like in Mama Mia and Harry Potter, but she does great in perfectly normal roles like Calendar Girls, too. But I think the best part had to be the disco dancing right before the credits. What's crazy is I think people actually wore stuff like that. What will they think about our fashion in 30 years?

Speaking of Harry Potter (you remember that brief mention earlier, right?)...The teaser trailer for Half Blood Prince was released on Tuesday, so now I'm counting the days until November 21 (112 if you're wondering). I know I'm a nerd; I've come to accept it...

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