
So we're finally getting around to finishing (staring?) up the decorating of our house. We only moved in over 6 months ago...We got new curtains for the living room and finally decided on some for our bedroom. And last night we decided on a paint color for the living room...Balsam Beige. Sounds pretty boring, I know, but it's a nice warm, light brown, so I think it will look nice. I've never been one for outrageous wall colors. (The most exotic I've done is the Honeydew stripe in Lillian's room, but a kids room is a completely different story.) Once the walls are painted, we're going to add some shelves over and around the tv (an LCD) for some pictures. It looks great in my head, so hopefully it will meet my expectations. Erik doesn't like to paint, so the plan is to let him entertain Lillian while I get started on painting on Saturday.

Aside from the curtains, we haven't done anything else with the bedroom; well, besides the couple of hangings I have on the wall. I also have several paint chips taped to the wall above the bed, but we can't decide on what color to go with. It's so hard to commit to paint colors, which is silly since you can always change it if you don't like it.

Wish us luck!

Anonymous –   – (4/15/07, 9:31 PM)  

Just don't use white, and you need something relaxing, soft yellow or green and you can mix so many other'colors to go with. Good luck. Let me know what you decided'on. Grammy

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