
Lillian went to the doctor today for her 2-month check-up. She now weighs 7 lbs 6 oz and is 20 inches long. She also got her first set of vaccines. That wasn't a pleasant experience to say the least. She certainly didn't like getting poked with those needles. I guess on the positive side, she wore herself out complaining about it, so I was able to get some work done when we got home.

The doctor says she looks great. She has a little rash under her chin so he recommended some heavy moisturizer, but other than that, there weren't any problems. Our next visit will be in May.

Anonymous –   – (3/28/07, 4:42 PM)  

What a big girl you are and I know
those needles hurt but they are to
protect you so you wont get those
diseases later and be sick.

I am so glad you are gaining weight
and being such a good girl.

Great Grammy Pat

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