New Bike
The problem with getting a new bike for Christmas is the kid wants to ride the thing right away. The other problem is it's usually freezing or snowing or both. Lily was no exception to this problem. We managed to hold her off on Christmas day itself, but with the sunny weather the day after, there was no way we were going to get away with a second day of no bike riding.
Even though it was still pretty cold, we agreed. There was a little tweaking needed on the training wheels, but pretty soon she was off. The bike's still a little too big for her, but we opted for a little bigger one rather than having to buy a new one again in a year. She does pretty well, though. I think she'll do a little better when there aren't ice patches to negotiate on our sidewalks, but most days since that first ride, she heads our for at least one go-round of the park. I think she's hooked.