5 Years Old

Last week was Lily's 5th birthday (5? I know...) Since she's been loving gymnastics so much, we decided to rent the gym where she has her class. (Especially after receiving a birthday card from them with a discount...how could we resist?) They have a tumbling floor and pads and rings and trampolines and Lily's favorite, the foam pit. And that was definitely the hit of the party. In fact, the kids were having so much fun that we only took a quick break for cake before heading back in. Meaning we completely forgot about presents until everyone was leaving. Personally, I think it's a sign of a good party if the presents are completely forgotten...especially by the birthday girl.

All the kids seem to have a great time, including the smaller ones. Even Timothy thought the pit was amazing. If we took him out even for a second, he immediately started backing back in.

Some weren't so sure, though. Although I think Tyler warmed up to it about the time we wrapped up.

The dads got in, too, and honestly, I think they may have had more fun than the kids.

Happy Birthday to our big girl!


Instagram Thursday (on Friday)

 His precious (just call him Linus)


Instagram Thursday

 I have a 5 year old. Wow. That's just about all I can say is Wow.


Instagram Thursday


New Bike

The problem with getting a new bike for Christmas is the kid wants to ride the thing right away. The other problem is it's usually freezing or snowing or both. Lily was no exception to this problem. We managed to hold her off on Christmas day itself, but with the sunny weather the day after, there was no way we were going to get away with a second day of no bike riding.

Even though it was still pretty cold, we agreed. There was a little tweaking needed on the training wheels, but pretty soon she was off. The bike's still a little too big for her, but we opted for a little bigger one rather than having to buy a new one again in a year. She does pretty well, though. I think she'll do a little better when there aren't ice patches to negotiate on our sidewalks, but most days since that first ride, she heads our for at least one go-round of the park.  I think she's hooked.



Our Christmas

Christmas was two weeks ago, so it seems almost silly to bring it up now. But I thought I should post about our holiday. Last year, we split the day between our two families - Springville in the morning and Roy in the evening. And it made for a lot of driving and it felt like we were in the car for a good chunk of the day. So this year, we tried a different tactic. We went to Erik's parents' house on Christmas Eve for their annual bash and then headed home to get everyone tucked into bed for Santa. Since the kids fell asleep on the way home, it was a good thing we put the cookies out before we left.

Although, I wonder how Santa felt about milk that had been sitting out for 12 hours. Yummm!!

Christmas day was nice and relaxed. Lily actually managed to stay in bed after 7:30, so we got to sleep in just a little. The anticipated bike was there and made her day. Timothy is teething and continued his cranky mood, but we did manage to make him happy with some candy, and he finally consented to open one present. The rest of the day was spent lounging with absolutely no where to go. It was fabulous. This kids stayed occupied playing with their new toys and each other. (Actually, Lily was more interested in Timothy's toys than hers. Next year, I'm just going to decide what I'm getting Timothy and then get two.)

We headed to Springville the week after Christmas. We had a nice lunch with Nana and Grandpa Len and Uncle Garrik and Sariah. More presents of course and just hanging out without worrying about having to be somewhere else. I think we've figured out how to do the whole holiday thing....finally.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and started out the New Year doing something fun!


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