Ready to Roll

Since Timothy is really more of a passive participant in our outings, I thought I should mention some of the things he is doing, as mundane as they may seem. At his last doctor's appointment (which was called his four-month check-up even though he was only three months), he weighed 12 lbs. Considering it look Lily almost a year to hit that size, he seems like a chunk to us, and it's fantastic. He recently started cereal, and even though he doesn't seem too impressed by the whole thing, he doesn't really seem to mind either. We'll probably start some more tasty foods in the next few weeks.

He's still very intent on checking everything out and will stare at something for the longest time trying to make sense of it all. As a result, I think he's afraid he'll miss something if he goes to sleep. It's the only reason I can come up with for his 45-minute naps throughout the day. And I'm not kidding. When I say 45 minutes, I mean it. It's gotten to the point that once he finally falls asleep, we rush to figure out what we can accomplish in 45 minutes because you could set a clock by his accuracy.

But he's still so much fun and is getting so big so fast. He's definitely a full-blown baby now, not a newborn. And occasionally, he'll even humor me and roll over.

But only if he's in the mood and no one else is around. Sneaky little guy...

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