Ready to Roll

Since Timothy is really more of a passive participant in our outings, I thought I should mention some of the things he is doing, as mundane as they may seem. At his last doctor's appointment (which was called his four-month check-up even though he was only three months), he weighed 12 lbs. Considering it look Lily almost a year to hit that size, he seems like a chunk to us, and it's fantastic. He recently started cereal, and even though he doesn't seem too impressed by the whole thing, he doesn't really seem to mind either. We'll probably start some more tasty foods in the next few weeks.

He's still very intent on checking everything out and will stare at something for the longest time trying to make sense of it all. As a result, I think he's afraid he'll miss something if he goes to sleep. It's the only reason I can come up with for his 45-minute naps throughout the day. And I'm not kidding. When I say 45 minutes, I mean it. It's gotten to the point that once he finally falls asleep, we rush to figure out what we can accomplish in 45 minutes because you could set a clock by his accuracy.

But he's still so much fun and is getting so big so fast. He's definitely a full-blown baby now, not a newborn. And occasionally, he'll even humor me and roll over.

But only if he's in the mood and no one else is around. Sneaky little guy...


Fast Fall

It's hard to believe that October is on its way out the door. We've been on the move quite a bit this month, especially in the last couple weeks, and sitting down to blog about it all just never happened. But we've done some fun activities, so here's the update.

We've managed two trips to the zoo, both the Logan and Hogle Zoos. The Logan Zoo had their annual Boo at the Zoo, so we hooked up with Derek and Daxton for this year's visit. Lily had a lot of fun running around with Daxton, as always, and managed to slow down just long enough to briefly hit some of the activities, including getting her fortune told. We weren't privy to the result, but she got to try on a GORGEOUS ring from the fortune teller, so she left the tent perfectly happy.

We decided to make one last run down to Hogle Zoo before the the weather turned. And we lucked out. I think we managed to go on the last nice weekend. Somehow I didn't manage to snag many pictures, but here's one of Timothy when we arrived. Isn't that outfit adorable????

We met up with Derek and Daxton again as we let Lily and Daxton lead the way through the American West Heritage Center's Corn Maze. Even with the map, we managed to get hopelessly lost (what good is map that doesn't tell you where you entered or which way is north???). While I admit that's usually the goal with a corn maze, walking around in circles forever with a tired three-year-old isn't always that much fun. In the end, we may have found a tiny shortcut. But Lily had a great time, and Timothy slept through the entire thing in the stroller (bumps and all) so everything worked out.

And of course, what October isn't complete without some sort of pumpkin activity? Since Lillian's first Halloween, I've planned on taking her to the Pumpkin Walk. For whatever reason, it's never happened. But this year, we finally made it - although I think the highlight of the adventure for Lily was the bus ride from the car to the park. But I'm creating memories, dang it, whether she likes it or not! :) Erik and I, at least, enjoyed looking at the pumpkins. I'm always amazed at the talent some people have. The Polar Express display was amazing!! Timothy seemed to enjoy it too, even if the only thing he really noticed was the lights.

Going to the Pumpkin Walk reminded me that we still hadn't purchased pumpkins. In addition to my Pumpkin Walk dreams, I've always had this vision of getting Lily's picture in a HUGE pumpkin patch with great big orange pumpkins all around. So picturesque, right? This dream, unlike the Pumpkin Walk, will have to be postponed yet again. Last year we did manage to make it to an honest to goodness pumpkin patch, but most of the pumpkins had already been harvested and piled at the front for purchase (seriously...why would you do that?). On Saturday, I realized that we had a week until Halloween, so we settled for the good ol' pumpkin pallet at Wal*Mart. Lily fell in love with the pie pumpkins because they were just her size (a very desired quality in everything from cups to toilets to pumpkins apparently), but I knew carving it would be a joke. So at the same time, I picked up some poster paint and let the girl go to town.

I attempted a little more traditional display.



Is it really possible to have too much outerwear? Some people (cough*Erik*cough) seem to think I have a perfectly adequate supply. I, on the other hand, feel that cute coats and sweaters are what make winter bearable for those of us not quite so enamored with the snow. I was able to restrain myself from buying this, however.

Yellow Coat

But I'll be completely honest. It was mainly because they didn't have my size in this GORGEOUS shade of yellow. And the fact that, no...I guess I don't need to spend $70 on a coat I don't actually need. But a girl can dream...


Word of the Day

Our word of the day is brought to you by Lily, our resident lexicographer.

grawp*pi*ly adj
dirty, gross

My hands are all grawppily.

Expand your vocabulary and use it in a sentence today.


Daily Tim

He's no Chuck, but he'll have to do...


No Filter

What kinds of conversations happen when you have a three-year-old with absolutely no inner filter and an active imagination? This one. As background - and warning - she'd just finished going to the bathroom. This is my life.

Lily: Everybody poops.

Me: That's right.

Lily: We poop because we have butts. But princesses don't poop.

Me: They don't? How come?

Lily: Because princesses don't have butts. Sometimes I pretend I'm a princess.

Me: But you have a butt.

Princess Lily: I know. That's why I poop.


Up the Walls

Me: Were you a good girl today?

Lily: Yep. But Timothy was SOOOOOO sad.

Me: Oh was he?

Lily: Yeah. And he was driving Daddy up ALL the walls.


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