Real food and more
Not bad...I just updated not too long ago, and here I am again.
Yesterday was Lillian's 8-month birthday. Can you believe it? We started letting her eat "real" food now. The other day, I shared some of my bagel for breakfast, and if we have pasta for dinner, she gets little bits. We went to dinner for Nancy's birthday on Monday and she got to much on some of the bread the gave us before our meals came. We also bought some of those "puffs." They dissolve as the get wet, so we know she won't choke on them. She's pretty good about picking stuff up from the table and putting it in her mouth. I mentioned to Erik just today that it's weird how she meets some milestones right on and others she is late on. This is about the right time to start feeding herself, but she has yet to crawl or cut any teeth.
Yep...that's right. After all her grumpiness and runny nose I mentioned last time, there are still no teeth visible. I'm beginning to think she doesn't have any. But at least the grumpiness has stopped. She's actually slept all the way through the night (well, until 5 at least) the last three nights *knock on wood*, and it's been wonderful!!!
She thought about getting on her hands and knees today. One knee was prepped and ready to go, but she couldn't quite figure out what to do with the other leg. So she was kind of leaning there on her hands and one leg bent behind her since she couldn't seem to get all the way back up to sitting, either. Finally she just toppled forward and I had to sit her back up. I wouldn't be surprised if she's mobile here pretty soon.
Erik is still on overnights, at least for the time being. No one will give him a straight answer on his schedule. One day they tell him it's his last night and the next they say he's back on overnights. As a result, he's never really gotten on to a real overnight sleep schedule and ends up being exhausted all the time. In addition to work, he's running a part time thrift shop as he tries to sell various items to buy a new snowmobile. He sold the one he acquired last year, so he's trying very hard so he can get a new sled before the snow flies. In addition to the snowmobile, he's sold the blue scooter and some sound equipment. We recently got the Rodeo back from Lars and Lisa now that their car troubles are resolved, so he's working on getting that gone, too.
I'm just doing the is getting a little busier now that school staff, etc. are settled in and professional development trainings are starting. It's never dull, that's for sure. Lillian also keeps me busy. She'll play on her own for a little while now, but once she notices I'm doing something else, she'll demand some attention. Which is alright; I'd rather play with her than work any day. :) She interacts a lot more, so it's a lot of fun to play with her and see her reaction to new things.
That's all for now. Hope it was informative! :)