Bubba turns 2!

Our little Bubba turns 2 tomorrow. Yes...I said 2. Where has the time gone? I definitely don't remember two years' worth of stuff. But that could just be that I'm getting old. But whether I remember it or not, tomorrow is his second birthday. It almost makes me sad to think he's not really a baby anymore. Then I remember what those actual baby days were like and I'm ok again. He is definitely my favorite two-year-old...even if he is the most amazing ham. Or maybe because of it. But there's no denying the boy has personality!

We jumped the gun just a bit and celebrated his birthday tonight with some great company and chicken nuggets. Since what two-year-old doesn't like chicken nuggets? Especially from Chick-fil-a. I'll tell you what two-year-old. Mine. I think he had one grape and decided that would meet his fuel requirement to spend the rest of the evening playing at the playground. Oh...and I think two or three glasses of lemonade. Some of which may or may not have been his own.

The boy is obsessed with fish. Every night before bed, he has to tell the fish good night, and they're the first thing he looks for in the morning. (Oh yeah...due to my lack of blogging, I may have neglected to mention we are now the owners of a 75-gallon saltwater tank complete with 2 nemos (and some other fish, but nemos are all that really matter), a peppermint shrimp, two conchs (have you ever actually seen a conch...weird), a few coral, and various crabs and snails.) So we went with a partial fish theme, including Swedish fish, gold fish, and a "rainbow" trout birthday cake. He was nice enough to blow out the candle, but the call of the playground once again took precedence over opening presents. I'm sure that will be fixed next year.

I know this year will go even faster, so while I can, I will enjoy his cute Bubba kisses and his cheerful "Hi" and wave whenever he sees me. We think he's definitely the cutest little boy we know.



Our Monkey

After months of agonizing practice ("But it takes sooooooo long to practice. I just want you to help me!"), Lily has finally mastered the monkey bars. And now there's no stopping her. She does them a million times a day and is proud of her blisters, which must not hurt too terribly bad or we'd hear about that, too.

I have to say, I'm proud at the time she spent getting to "just one more bar." It took some convincing that she didn't need us holding on to her legs and that she just had to keep trying. And she's so proud that she can do it herself now. Plus, she was getting heavy to hold up. :) She's growing up right before our eyes.


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