From all of us... all of you:

And some inspiring words from Lemony Snicket:

"It is a miracle if you can find true friends, and it is a miracle if you have enough food to eat, and it is a miracle if you get to spend your days and evenings doing whatever it is you like to do, and the holiday season - like all the other seasons - is a good time not only to tell stories of miracles, but to think about the miracles in your own life, and to be grateful for them." ~The Lump of Coal
We're grateful for the true friends you all are - have a great Christmas and wonderful New Year!


1 2 3 4

I have to say, I have the best husband ever. This will probably ruin his rough reputation (um...yeah), but I had to share. Last night while I was getting ready for bed, he grabbed my flash drive and put a song on it. He told me I had to wait until I got to work to listen to it. This is the one he chose:

What a sweetheart! Either that, or he's buttering me up for something he knows I'll say no to. But for now, I'll just enjoy it. :)


Note to self...

Don't mess with a perfectly good recipe and don't procrastinate homemade Christmas presents until the last minute. (If you're buying the present at the last minute, that's perfectly acceptable.) I'm going to be a little vain for just a second and say that I think I usually come up with some great gifts for the people I work with. In fact, I keep my eye open all year for something that would be fantastic and the start working on them months before hand. One year, I decoupaged boxes (apparently I like to decoupage :-D) and filled them to the brim with a flurry of homemade Christmas cookies. One year, I cross-stitched snowflake ornaments complete with beading. I've made little candy dishes and another round of cookies, etc., etc., etc. It's entirely possible my office mates don't think these gifts are a wonderful as I do, but I always have a good time doing it and it gives me an excuse for a fairly large project that keeps me busy for a while and, sometimes, a chance to try a project I probably wouldn't have attempted just for myself.

This year, not so much...mostly since I have a project named "Lillian" who keeps me busier than I could have ever hoped for. I had a great idea for these cute bags made out of t-shirts, but I couldn't decide what I could put in them so it wasn't just a lame bag. I thought of doing some lotion/body wash stuff in a basket made out of a towel and wash cloth, but you never know what scent people like, so I scrapped that one, too. As Thanksgiving approached, I realized I still didn't have an idea for my office gifts, and I was running out of time.

Then, my Kraft Food and Family magazine came. Inside was a recipe for Simply Sensational Truffles. With two ingredients and only three steps, I decided I could handle that. I put the recipe on the fridge so I could find it later and moved on. About a week later, I remembered I needed to find something to put the truffles in. Through my digial scrapbooking sources, I found some templates for gift bags and boxes. I printed a couple off to get a better idea for size and decided on one. Once again, I moved on.

Then, on Monday, I realized this was the last week everyone would be in the office when I would be and I needed to get their gifts to them. I grabbed the ingredients on Tuesday night and got Step One done and in the fridge to firm up. I figured I could finish them up Wednesday, along with putting the bags together (which I'll talk about next), and take them in on Thursday.

Even though I knew I had a couple hours of work ahead of me Wednesday night, I agreed to go to the gym with Erik. We got home around 8:30 and I got started. My first batch was a disaster!! The recipe was only for regular, semi-sweet chocolate. But I like white chocolate truffles better and I like them flavored with something. So I'd made two varieties of regular - one plain, one mint - and two varieties of white - one raspberry, one lemon. I started rolling the raspberry, and they were so soft. When I tried to dip them, they melted enough that they were no longer balls. And they weren't very well covered. I put them back in the fridge hoping I could dip them a second time and be ok, but I wasn't very optimistic. I pulled out the plain chocolate next. Hard as a rock, as it should have been. They turned out great. My first thought was maybe the flavorings had caused firming issues and I was going to have three horrible varieties and only one that worked. But the mint ones turned out great, too. So apparently, the mistake was using white chocolate. I would think chocolate is chocolate and they should have set up equally as firm, but I thought wrong, I guess.

Now the bags. I decided to print them at work on our fabulous color printer. But after the first one came out, the color was all wrong. I did a quick cleaning adjustment and tried again. Better, but still awful. They printed great at home, but this fancy printer didn't like the colors used, I guess. Luckily, I have photoshop at work, so I quickly download some new "papers" and changed the design completely. It wasn't nearly as fancy or detailed, but hey...I was on a time crunch! It printed fine, and I thought I was home free.

That was until I was sitting at my kitchen table Wednesday night at 11:00 still cutting out cardstock bags and taping them together. What was I thinking? It was not nearly the quick project I thought it would be.

I was able to dip the raspberry ones again and they worked well enough that I put them in the bags. The lemon ones were rolled in powdered sugar, so they're still really soft and almost squishy. But at least the sugar keeps them from being sticky! And they all tasted delicious, so that's all that matters, I suppose.

Next year, though, I think I'll go for something much simpler. The people I work with always give great gifts, too, and I'm sure they don't agonize over them quite like I do. We all end up eating so much crap over the holidays, so I think I'll go back to the non-food gifts like decorations or yummy smelling candles. Maybe I can even get them something a set of screwdrivers... :-D Yep...that's my plan for next year.


Ring Around the Rosies

The other day, Lillian tells me, "I'm ready!" Since we weren't really doing anything to be ready for at the time, I asked what she was ready for. She proceeded to spin and fall down.


I thought about it for a second and thought maybe she was doing Ring-around-the-Rosies, even though I've never done it with her. But she has a whole life at daycare I'm not really involved in, so I figured it was entirely possible. So I started singing, and she starts spinning. After about 10 minutes, I realized I should start filming it. So here she is...not the best example since I think she was starting to get bored. She was much better at falling down when we first started, but it's still pretty cute anyway.

And I ask you to please ignore my messy floor...a hazard of a two-year-old. Oh...and ignore the spot where I whack her in the head with the camera. I'm not the best cinematographer.


Latest Project

Here's my latest project for Lillian's room. Decoupage is a wonderful thing!



"I was in a head-on collision." That's how Erik started our conversation Friday night at 7:02. I think my stomach audibly sank to my toes. A million thoughts and questions raced through my head at once, but I manged to eek out, "Are you ok?" His response: "I didn't get hit." I wish he'd started with that, but I was thankful to hear it at all. But he stuck around to help with the aftermath.

Here's the article KSL has up, complete with pictures:

Erik was in the right lane; the Jeep was in the left. When the Jeep swerved to avoid the pickup, he had to slam on his brakes and narrowly missed being part of the wreckage. The debris from the Jeep actually hit the car. He helped locate a fire extinguisher since the Jeep was on fire and helped break the window to get the crying 18-month-old out of the car. When they did, they saw the 9-year-old in the cargo area. I don't know how he kept himself composed enough to help the two other men who were also doing what they could. He also spent some time with the driver of the pick-up, even holding the back board since there weren't enough medical personnel to go around at once. You can see him in picture 9 doing just that.

We don't know how he missed being more involved. If he'd done anything different as he left work, who knows what the outcome may have been. If the gas station hadn't been quite as crowded, this post may have had a very different outcome.

Really, divine intervention is the only explanation we have that Erik was able to make it home to us on Friday night - although I'm sure that doesn't make the families of those involved feel any better. I'm truly, truly sorry for those families; what an awful ordeal to go through. But I have to be a bit self-centered and say I'm so thankful my husband and best friend is safe and in one piece.


Innate Sense of Fashion

Lillian picked out her entire outfit today:

Notice the adorable puppy shirt (not her first choice, but the one she wanted was dirty from yesterday) and her daring mix of patterns with her choice of green polka-dot pajama bottoms. The crowning touch was the addition of some fashionable yet practical pink tights to keep her legs warm.


Lillian Quote of the Day

First, a little background: For months now, Erik has been trying to get Lillian to answer the question, "What does a snowmobile say?" The correct answer is...Brapp. I'm not really sure how you'd spell it, but you get the idea. She gives the right answer sporadically depending on her mood...and of course, never when he wants to show off her vast snowmobiling knowledge to someone else.

So this morning, while we were picking out what to wear (she opted for the puppy shirt...big surprise), she noticed the little jewelry box where her cute little bracelets live and wanted to put one on. I picked one out that spells her name with alphabet beads and put it on her wrist. Here's the resulting conversation:

Lillian: Pretty!

Me: It's very pretty! Do you know what it says?

Lillian: Yep.

Me: What does it say?

Lillian: Brapp!!

I don't think she's quite grasped the concept of snowmobile noises.


Hard to Say Goodbye?

While doing some laundry tonight, I wondered: Does anyone else have the problem of not being able to get rid of their old, tired clothes.

I just can't seem to do it. I have shirts in my closet that haven't been worn for ages for various reasons. Some don't fit quite how I'd like them to anymore, and I still have this pipe dream of regaining my pre-baby body. Getting rid of those shirts would admit defeat...something I've never been good at. Some aren't quite in style anymore. Remember just a few years ago when shirt hems hit the top of your jeans? Now that shirts are (thankfully) growing, it just doesn't seem right to wear them. I put them on and wonder how I ever did it and throw a cami underneath so it doesn't seem quite so short. I think some have shrunk, despite my former obsession with not drying anything...although some could probably be blamed on Erik who tries his best at my laundry. I don't have time for that anymore, though. Toss them in the dryer and get on with it...

Despite all those perfectly good reasons for getting rid of them, there they sit - slowly moving farther and farther back into the depths of the closet - until one day, I actually look in the back and go, "I forgot all about this one!" and make another attempt, once again realizing why it was moving to the back in the first place.

Of course, some never move to the back. Their tired state notwithstanding, there are some that I just love. I may not wear them out of the house (often), but they're my old standbys for fat days or when I just want to be a schlub. Plus, I justify keeping them in case I ever need a shirt to purposely get dirty in, like painting or some such nonsense...but I usually don one of Erik's for those occasions, so who am I kidding?

The really stupid thing is, when I buy new shirts, they sit on their hangers for weeks, sometimes even months, because I just can't bear to insert them into the rotation. I stick with my old favorites for reasons that make no sense until I finally say, "Enough! I'm done with you!" and break down enough to ruin the pristine beauty that is a brand new, perfectly clean shirt (with no jelly, peanut butter, or spaghetti-o stains). I currently have six shirts in this situation. Those two shopping trips yielded eight, but I consiously made myself wear two of them within a week of purchase - trust me...I almost didn't put them on.

I think I may need an intervention.


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